Salvation Army is inviting you the their yearly Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway & Christmas Toys for children 0-12 years old Where: 316 PLEASANT ST. WILLIMANTIC CT TELEPHONE 860-423-0977 WHEN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 4-7 PM What to bring? State I.D., Proof of residence and birth certificates for children's toys
over 2 years ago, Robertly Ramos
Thanksgiving Turkey give away + Toys
Back to School WINDHAM AREA INTERFAITH MINISTRY (WAIM) Need help buying uniforms for the new school year? Eligible parents can receive TWO free uniform shirts. (North Windham Public Schools students will receive vouchers) Save the dates!! August ,Tuesday 2, Thursday 3, Friday 4 and Saturday 6 YOU MUST BRING ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: >Report Card or current school letter for each child >Income verification for each household member >Photo ID of parent
over 2 years ago, Robertly Ramos
BTS uniforms
bts uniforms
Good evening Sweeney Families, This is a reminder that Sweeney school's field day is tomorrow, Friday, May 26th. Parents are invited to stop by from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Students are invited to wear their field day shirts, Sweeney spirit wear shirts, or school appropriate play clothes. Students should also bring a water bottle! Students will be outside for a majority of the school day and are encouraged to apply sunscreen at home. Sneakers are required in order to participate in field day. This will be our first field day in two years so we look forward to having a wonderful day filled with fun and cooperation!
over 2 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
SWE families if you are interested in this workshop please call your Family Liaison Robertly Ramos @ 860-465-2419 or email @ Please don't miss out on this great opportunity FREE Strengthening Families a Workshop for Parenting Adult - May 25th from 6 - 7:30pm EST Workshop will be conducted virtually.
almost 3 years ago, Robertly Ramos
Good evening Sweeney Stars! We want to thank you for being so generous during our World Down Syndrome Day and Autism Acceptance fundraisers. We were able to donate the money raised to Autism Families of Connecticut & Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut. Reminder that this Friday, 4/15 there is no school due to Good Friday and Spring Break will be the following week, Monday April 18th through Friday April 22nd. We look forward to students returning to school Monday April 25th. Have a great night.
almost 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
“The Windham Recreation Department-sponsored egg hunt, originally scheduled for April 9th, will be moved to the rain date of April 10th.” “La búsqueda de huevos de Pascua patrocinada por el Departamento de Recreación de Windham, originalmente programada para el 9 de Abril, se cambiara a la fecha de lluvia del 10 de Abril".
almost 3 years ago, Robertly Ramos
Easter Egg Hunt
Good evening Sweeney Families, Tomorrow, March 25th, is another Sweeney Spirit Day. In addition to showing your Sweeney spirit, all students and staff are invited to dress down and donate a dollar or more to help one of our dear Sweeney families in need. Students do not need to wear their uniforms but sneakers are still required. Have a great evening! Buenas noches familias de Sweeney, Mañana, 25 de marzo, es otro Día del Espíritu Sweeney. Además de mostrar su espíritu Sweeney, todos los estudiantes y el personal están invitados a vestirse informalmente y donar un dólar o más para ayudar a una de nuestras queridas familias necesitadas. Los estudiantes no necesitan usar sus uniformes, pero aún se requieren zapatillas. ¡Que tengas una buena tarde!
almost 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Stars! Reminder that tomorrow is Read Across America Day! Bring your favorite book to share with your class and come to school in pajamas or comfy clothes. Sneakers are still required.
almost 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Stars! If you ordered Spirit Wear shirts, they were sent home with students today! Please check your order with the form attached to your shirt for accuracy. We are aware that some orders have not come in yet. As soon as they do, we will send them home with your child. Also, a reminder that next week there is no school on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday are in observance of President's Day and Wednesday is a professional development day for staff. Thank you and have a great weekend!
almost 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Stars! Reminder that tomorrow, Monday January 17th there is no school due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Last week, students brought home an order form for Spirit Wear. If you are interested in ordering anything, please send the order form and cash payment with your child no later than Tuesday January 18th. Picture retake day will be Monday January 24th. Thank you and have a good night!
about 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Please enjoy this holiday rendition of Feliz Navidad, performed by Windham students by accessing the video archive on the District's website.
about 3 years ago, Windham Public Schools
Happy Holidays
Good evening Sweeney Star families, This message is on behalf of Katie Firth, interim principal. Thursday Dec. 9 & Friday Dec. 10 will be early dismissal days for parent/teacher conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12:30, please remember to have an adult at the bus stop for K-2 students. Conferences will be held in person and all Covid mitigation strategies will still be followed. This means masks are required for entry into the school and we will be social distancing as much as possible during the conference. If you are feeling unwell please reschedule. Thank you for limiting participants attending the conference as space is limited. Thank you for your cooperation and diligence with keeping us all safe. Also, to benefit PTO, parents can bring $1 to conferences to purchase a special pencil and message for your student that will be given to them after or during your conference. Have a great night!
about 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Reminder that Picture Day is tomorrow, Wednesday December 1st. Money and order forms can be sent in with your child or you can pay online. All students will have their picture taken. Sneakers must still be worn.
about 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Star Families. This message is being sent on behalf of Interim Principal Katie Firth. Wednesday November 24th is an early dismissal at 12:30. On Wednesday November 24th it is also a dress down day to raise money for the (Parent Teacher Organization) PTO. Students can pay $1 to their teacher and dress down. Sneakers please. There is no school on Thursday November 25th and Friday November 26th. I want to wish everyone a restful and happy Thanksgiving! We look forward to seeing all students back on Monday November 29th.
about 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Stars! This is a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Thursday November 11th due to Veterans' Day. Sweeney School would like to honor and thank all those who have served our country!
over 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Reminder that Sweeney's first PTO meeting will be tomorrow, Monday October 25 from 5-5:45 p.m. Join us in person in the Sweeney gym or virtually on Google Meet. Contact your child's teacher for the Google Meet link.
over 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Star families. This is a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on this Friday, October 8th due to Staff Development day. There is also NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 11th due to Indigenous Peoples' Day.
over 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening Sweeney Stars, this is Katie Firth Interim principal. We have had a great week! Thank you to everyone who filled out the dismissal forms. More information will come out about that once we have them all sorted. You can use your Windham app to go to documents and click on the Digital Backpack Forms which has information about Biddy basketball and other community announcements. Thanks for all of your support!
over 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good evening, Sweeney Star families. This is Katie Firth, Interim Principal. For the peach-colored dismissal form that was sent home, please remember to write your child’s name on it or you can complete the electronic form. We need these forms (either electronically or by paper) by Friday October 1st . Thanks for your help with this. We hope you are interested in joining our PTO, and would love for your to send the purple sheet back so we can get you involved. I am looking forward to a GREAT week ahead with your students! 😊
over 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School
Good afternoon Sweeney Stars! Your child is bringing home the following documents: • Attendance Highlights • Uniform Policy • PTO Form • Dismissal Form Please review these. The dismissal should be returned to school as soon as possible. You can also fill it out online by clicking the link below:
over 3 years ago, W.B. Sweeney Elementary School