School Information
For Families
Attending school every day is very important, beginning in Kindergarten. Missing just 1-2 days per month can impact your child’s overall attendance during the school year and make it more difficult for them to keep up. A student is considered chronically absent when their absences, both unexcused and excused, have caused them to miss 10% of the school year. As a district, we are working with families to help reduce chronic absenteeism. The following attendance policy is what is required by the State of Connecticut and the district.
If your child will be absent, call the school at (860) 465-2420 to inform the office. A note is then required when the student returns to school. A parent can excuse up to nine absences. Every absence after that will require proper documentation from a medical professional in order to be excused. These absences also “count” towards chronic absenteeism.
A note must be sent in to the office’s attention for the following reasons:
If you plan on picking up your child early:
If you plan on keeping your child out for an extended period of time due to vacation, travel, etc.
If someone other than yourself is picking up your child
Per district policy, students may not return to school until the symptoms of fever (without the help of medicine), vomiting or diarrhea have subsided for 24 hours. If your child is sent home ill by the nurse before 11:45 a.m., it will be considered an excused absence.